One of my favorite scriptures, Isaiah 49:16 -
"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands"
inspired me to snap some pictures of hands around my house.
Vintage Glove Molds - hanging out on a towel rack in my bathroom.
A Pink Glass Glove Mold - holds my wedding rings when I'm sleeping.
Praying Hands - a reminder to bring your troubles to Him in prayer.
Milk Glass Hand - used to hold jewelry on my dresser.
Hannah's Hand at 6 Months Old - how sweet & tiny!
Don't you just love looking at babies hands?
My Hand - A cherished Girl Scout project from my childhood. We traced, cut out and stitched our "hands" onto green squares. This reminds me of my dear mom who came up with the idea for our GS troop. I have been wanting to frame this and hang it up for ages. Maybe this will be the year?
Copper Cookie Cutter Hand - just a little tarnished from sitting in a box. I always envisioned these as cookies with painted red icing fingernails.
Thank you Lord for loving me so much that you would engrave my name on your hand - never to be forgotten or forsaken.
I lift up my hands to you in praise.
Have a great day!

Katie, what a wonderful reminder of God's love. I was just reading about being Jesus' hands earlier today. So much to see in a person's hands, from the sweet dimpled baby hand to the wrinkled with life and time hand of the elder. Always appreciate your thoughtful collections and words and your hand of friendship. Cindy