Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog KayteeJane's House. My real name is Katie Jane. When I was growing up in the 1970's and 1980's I owned a chalkware piggy bank with the name Kay Tee on the top. That is how the name KayteeJane came about.
I am an avid collector of vintage. I have always loved old things from the past more than new things that you can buy at the store. I credit this passion to my mom Diane who instilled in me a love for old things. The home that I grew up in was lovingly decorated with antique furniture, old quilts, depression glass dishes, sepia photos and my mom's favorite - flow blue china. As a young child I would accompany my mom to flea markets, antique shops and house sales. When I grew older I began buying odds and ends for my own collections. I still have some of the first things that I bought from those days.
Now I am a married mom myself. My two little girls (pictured above) and my husband Mark and I live in an old home that is also filled with old quilts, antique furniture, McCoy pottery and vintage Pyrex. Lucky for me Mark enjoys collecting too. He actually has a better "eye" than I do, often finding great treasures that I overlooked. Whenever possible we enjoy going to estate sales, flea markets and auctions looking for affordable and unique things to decorate our old home. We also enjoy "trash picking" - hunting for treasures that others are throwing away. We are teaching our kids to find the beauty in vintage items from a bygone era. Those things that were made to last and have stood the test of time.
I decided to start this blog to share with others the many things that we have found and collected over the years. My things are not "fine" antiques that are worth thousands of dollars. Instead I collect the everyday things that you would find in Grandma's kitchen, attic or basement.
If you prefer vintage over new then please stop by often and visit.
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If you would like to ask a question or get to know me better I welcome you to contact me.
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Happy Collecting!