It has been so nice to be able to cook in a functioning kitchen this week. For one of our first meals we made “Durkee’s Chicken”. It is pretty simple. It is just chicken breasts coated with crushed Durkee’s onions and fried. This is a good meal to have on a weeknight when you are tired and want something easy to prepare.
Start with chicken breasts. Coat them in an egg wash and then dip them in a plate of crushed Durkee’s.
Here is Hannah getting into the act.
Frying the chicken in a cast iron skillet.
The cooked chicken coated in fried fried onions.
The final product.
I served these with mashed potatoes & gravy and fresh green beans. If you don’t have any Durkee’s on hand, use up the last bit of a bag of potato chips. That is yummy too.

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