I have been longing for a good estate sale for weeks now. I search the ads on Craigslist every week looking for something, anything, that looks like it may have some good vintage junk. This past week my husband saw an ad for a sale close to us that looked like a good one. Only problem - it started on a Thursday. Since I work during the week I wasn't going to be able to make it the first day or the second day. Saturday was to be half-off day. I didn't figure much would be left over by then but since there wasn't any other sales around what was I to lose if I went? So off we went. Well I was pleasantly surprised to find some good stuff left. Although it was picked through there were lots of boxes in the basement that still had things inside. After digging I was lucky enough to find a few treasures. Here is what I bought from that sale - my total $ amount - $12 for all. It does pay to go to the half-off day.
My best find at this sale - the Pyrex Heinz promotional #503. It was buried in a box in the basement. This was a promotion item sold in grocery stores in 1953 for 79 cents when you purchased 3 cans of Heinz baked beans.
My friends on Instagram tell me that there was originally a lid that went with this piece. I didn't find the lid at the sale - but otherwise this in in very nice condition. This is a pretty green color that is different than the Pyrex turquoise or primary green. Apparently it is the same shade of green as the label on the Heinz baked beans at that time. After finding this on Saturday my husband found a Good Housekeeping magazine from that year for sale on eBay with the original advertisement inside. He bought it for me. I haven't gotten it yet but when I do I will post a pic. I think I may frame it for in my kitchen.
This cute basket was also in the basement. The bottom of the basket is in pretty bad shape and broken. I removed the liner and washed it in the washing machine to get it clean and fresh. I think I will just use this to hold yarn so I'm not worried about the bottom being broken as it is just going to sit on the floor.
The table cloth is vinyl. I love the print and vinyl is so useful on a table when you have kids at home. The only problem is this particular tablecloth has a weird smell to it. I washed it 2 times in the machine and also put it through the dryer. It isn't a moldy smell but a plasticy smell that makes me gag. I don't know if this will stay or go.
I also found a Bingo game, a Federal Glass bowl, a smock-style apron, and this cute crochet drawstring purse in red and white.
We hit two other estate sales besides the one mentioned above. Mostly newer stuff at these sales but I did find this cute apron for $1.
I also found this bun warmer. A really useless item but oh so cute for display. I saw one of these for sale in an antique shop this past summer and was tempted to buy it but didn't at that time. Glad that I held off because this one was only $1 at the estate sale. It matches my aluminum cake carriers from the same era.
On Friday evening after work I went to my favorite thrift shop. I didn't find much in the way of vintage but I did find this wonderful ripple/chevron blanket. It has the most beautiful shades of blue and brown - a color combination that I love. It is a lap-size. I am having a love affair with crochet these days. I wish that I could actually make something like this but for now I will just thrift it!
All in all a great weekend for finds. It satisfied my cravings for vintage junk for sure!
Thanks for visiting.
Linking up with:
Sir Thrift a Lot Thriftasaurus
Ivy and Elephants