We went to 2 Estate Sales in the same town. Both were true estate sales - an entire home's contents up for sale. The best part was both sales were being run by the family and not an estate sale company, so the prices were very reasonable as the family just wanted to clean out. I kid you not when I say that at the second sale they were selling things for 5 and 10 cents each! We filled several bags and I think we only ended up spending about $20 in all.
Here are some highlights:
Most of the items in this picture were bought for a dollar or less. My favorite: the milk glass vase, which was a quarter. Other cool stuff - an old camera, planters, a flower frog and a cool wire basket.
Love this little doll bed. It was $1.
Some old books. Love the cover of this one by L. Frank Baum.
This old tin was $2.50. Not sure if I will keep it or sell it. It would make a cool garbage can.
Some flags. These were a nickel a piece.
A wicker planter
Some linens
All in all it was a lot of fun. I admit that I get a bit frenzied in the heat of the moment and buy stuff I just don't need. It is hard to pass up something old and cool when it is only 5, 10 or 25 cents. Much of this will go to a flea market I am selling at in a few weeks. I will be able to price things reasonably and still make a profit.
Hope you had a great Saturday too.